VíasChile group commemorates world down syndrome day

As a way to reaffirm its commitment to the Fundación Down UP with which it is collaborating for a second consecutive year, the VíasChile Group held a campaign called #Calecetinescambiadoschallenge, an activity that seeks to make the Company’s employees aware of World Down Syndrome Day.

Close to 400 pairs of socks were delivered to employees, who were invited to share them and post photographs on social networks under the campaign’s hashtag.  The main motivation is to emphasize the beauty of diversity and tolerance towards these individuals suffering from chromosome abnormalities.

The campaign was held simultaneously at Fundación Down Up, a non-profitable organization that brings together more than 750 families throughout the country who receive support and guidance through psychology support programs, special schools, humanization efforts and health care and life care centers in communities.

VíasChile has provided speech therapy to 60 families with Down Syndrome children of ages ranging from 5 months to 3 years. This therapy stimulates communicative and cognitive development and encourages social interaction in the different settings in which children with Down Syndrome interact.